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Beating Winter Blues At Work

It is estimated that seasonal affective disorder affects the lives of roughly 2 million people in the UK. It is known to affect people of all ages, even children. It is a form of depression that is usually triggered by the lack of sunlight that comes with the winter months. Symptoms can include:

  • Depression

  • Insomnia

  • Lethargy

  • Overeating

  • Irritability

  • Generally feeling down

  • Feeling less sociable

As severe as it can be, there are ways to prevent it.

Stay active According to research done on the topic, a daily one hour walk during the middle of the day/ during lunch break when it is brightest outdoors can be used as a treatment for these winter blues.

Furthermore, exercise has been proven to be good for beating winter blues. The release of endorphins caused by exercise can leave you feeling happier.

It’s vital to find some form of exercise if you want to beat winter blues, especially if you are working from home. If you can’t take the time to go out on a walk, then consider purchasing some weights or watching workout videos on the internet.

Clean up your habits and environments

As well as exercise, it’s important to eat a balanced diet too.

Be careful when it comes to your intake of carbs and sugars. While they may give you a short spike of energy, you are sure to crash not long after and this can sometimes make you feel worse. Not only that but it can lead to weight gain. So be sure to control what you eat and how much you eat.

Alternatively, you can think about tidying up your environment. Whether this is your office, your home, or both. Not only can a more organised environment improve your mental health on its own, but it can also mean you’re letting in more natural light and help prevent your internal body clock from being disrupted in the dark months of winter.


All forms of light can be used to combat the winter blues, not just sunlight. Consider purchasing more lamps or turning more lights on. While you’re at it, consider using eco-friendly bulbs or preferably LED lights which are usually brighter than a conventional bulb and can emit a more natural spectrum of light while using 90% less energy.

White walls and furniture can also better reflect the light in a room if you want to go the extra mile.

Find a hobby

Keep your mind active with new and old interests. Having something you’re passionate about can keep you going even when you feel low. If nothing else, it can sometimes distract you from the difficult emotions and symptoms that may be troubling you.

It can be anything from gardening, to learning a new skill altogether. What’s important is that you have something to motivate you and something you can focus on.

Reach out

During winter, it’s common to want to spend your months all cosied up indoors away from the cold weather outside. However, it’s important to remember to interact with others during the season. Reach out to those you haven’t caught up with for a while. It’ll help you feel less isolated, and this can make a huge difference.

Not only this but if you are feeling down then there’s a chance someone you know might be feeling the same way too so communicating with your co workers, friends and family can end up with you supporting each other.

Socialisation has been shown to be amazing for your well being.

Remember you aren’t alone and you don’t need to feel like you are. .



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