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How to optimise the sales funnel

The sales funnel is a structural representation of a customer’s journey with a brand. It denotes every touchpoint from the initial stage of them learning about your organisation to the actual conversion where they make their first purchase. Although it doesn’t necessarily have to end at the first purchase and can instead represent the entire lifetime journey of the customer. Most businesses aim for a customer to follow similar steps to the following:

  • Discovering your brand - Awareness

  • Arriving at your website - Interest

  • Browsing your products/services - Desire

  • Making a purchase – Purchase/conversion

  • Returning as a customer in the future

These are the basic stages that make up the funnel but the reason it is called a funnel is that the number of people who make it to the final stage is but a fraction of the initial number in the first stage.

By optimising your sales funnel, you can increase how many people reach the later stages, thus increasing revenue and meaning that your marketing efforts have had more of an effect. Here are some tips to help you better optimise your sales funnel.

Know your audience

To max out conversions, you need to target those who are interested in purchasing your products, so understanding your audience is key.

Social media

Think about where your traffic is coming from. If you create engaging content on your social channels, it’s possible that most people heading to your site are finding you through social media.

Some examples may include photos showing off your products/services, videos/animations to show off your company, blogs, articles, and more.

Reviews and testimonials

Trust plays a huge part in a successful sales funnel. After all, building any relationship is usually based around trust, and it is vital that you can work trust and social proof into your funnel.

Moreover, customers are more willing to trust the word of a fellow customer. Moreover, any business partners you have will see that your customers are happy with you, making you a more credible business in their eyes.


If your prospect has questions just before they convert and once they are at a significant stage of the funnel, are you on hand to help out? You should be. Even if you can’t be there to help, you should have ways that they can either get in touch or find something out for themselves (like in an FAQ section). The way they can get in touch can be anything from email addresses to phone numbers to live chat agents.

The sales funnel is a crucial structure to learn and understanding it properly will give you a fighting chance as an organisation. There aren’t too many steps to it but optimising each step and being able to affect what percentage of prospects reach the conversion stage from the initial stage will make a major difference in revenue, reputation, and your success as a business. If you’d like to learn more about this and/or would like to discuss how Excelify Solutions can help you with all of your lead generation needs, then consider visiting the Excelify Solutions website at or send us an email at


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