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Time management for better work/life balance

B2B telemarketing UK, Excelify Solutions, lead generation uk

Here are few tips:

Figure out your goals

One of the first things you should consider, when concerned about managing your time, is to figure out what your goals are.

You should make note of your long-term goals; your short-term goals; both your professional and personal goals. It’s always a good idea to have a focus to plan towards. Without a good plan, it’ll be quite tough to even know where you should begin with adjusting how you manage your time

Write down your day-to-day responsibilities

Now that you have a good idea of what your goals in life are, you should figure out what your responsibilities are too. This is a good method to not only figure out anything that may be an obstacle but what may also be a helpful path towards your goals.

It may also help you consider alternative paths towards your goals. Not only that not knowing how your goals and responsibilities may affect/relate to each other will help tremendously when it comes to prioritising your tasks.

Make a list

An extremely helpful way to stay organised is to make yourself a to-do list. It can be both a good way to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks and a great way to track your progress. Both are effective at preventing demoralisation.

It can be quite easy to slip into the idea that a task is impossibly big so being able to split a larger goal into more reasonable steps is all but required.

Quality Over Quantity

When you have work to be done, it can be easy to trick yourself into thinking that working for longer means your overall quality of work is better. However, while you should never rush anything that you don’t have to, it can be detrimental to work too much.

For example, excessive overtime should be avoided where possible. More hours don’t necessarily mean that you are working harder and could instead just be wasting time and energy that could be better spent somewhere or sometime else.

De-stressing is important

Speaking of wasted energy, you need to know when to take breaks to recover your energy. Working is important but good work can’t be done when you’re tired and too stressed to think.

Rest is an important part of time management. After all, how can you manage your time when you’re too tired to think. Getting enough rest should be a priority to avoid burnout and learning to find a way to unwind (whether it be an after-work club or a social group) is extremely important if you want to balance your work with the rest of your life.

The POSEC method

Based on sorting tasks in order of importance, POSEC is an acronym standing for:

· Prioritise

· Organise

· Streamline

· Economise

· Contribute

You should prioritise everything you have to do within a certain timeframe.

The entire method is a way to organise your life and the tasks in it.

Figure out how to streamline your tasks from the big ones to the mundane.

It is smart to economise your more long-term goals by putting them at the bottom of your priorities list, but you should still make time to contribute to them even if a little at a time.

The entire method should be structured much like a pyramid. Your goal is the chiselled point at the top. You should be chiselling away at it bit by bit but to get it to the top, the foundation should be placed first. Then you figure out which bricks you need to put on top. If you keep doing that, in an efficient order and streamlined manner, you’ll eventually reach your goal.

Distractions and the 4 Ds

Distractions affect focus and productivity. To avoid being so easily distracted, it is important to identify what it is that distracts you and make a goal to avoid it. A common distraction can be social media notifications and it’s common to believe you are missing out on something important if you turn them off but, in most cases, it can wait until your current task is completed.

You should also bear in mind that your environment is a huge factor in your productivity and therefore, your time management skills. As such it’s a good idea to remove all distracting items from your vicinity.

1 in 3 office workers also suffers from email stress. To help with this, keep in mind the 4 Ds:

· Delete: You can probably delete half the emails you get immediately.

· Do: if the email is urgent or can be completed quickly.

· Delegate: if the email can be better dealt with by someone else.

· Defer: set aside time later to spend on emails that will take longer to deal with.

Learn to delegate

It can be frustrating to delegate tasks to other colleagues, especially when you’re confident in your abilities to get it done right the first time. However, delegating can help boost employee morale, give you time to focus on more urgent matters and thus help you manage your time better. And even if you don’t have the manpower to reliably delegate to colleagues, outsourcing is always an option.

Outsourcing can lead to:

· Significant cost reduction

· Improvement of services delivered

· Capability to concentrate on core business values

· Access to highly experienced niche specialists

· Ease of overcoming capacity issues

Outsourcing has been proven to improve business outcomes and save time. Under some circumstances, it is inadvisable to go without it.

Trying to accomplish or micromanage too many tasks leads to burnout, poor quality and missed deadlines, not to mention time management problems.

As said before, finding opportunities to rest and de-stress can be difficult as it is. Delegating well can mean finding more time for such opportunities and will mean being able to live an actual life outside of the office.

Track and evaluate

As you go through your day/week/month you should be sure to track how your time is spent. Keep a schedule and jot down notes on your activities, thoughts, and conversations. This will lead you to have a better understanding of where all your time goes.

Using this information, you can then figure out where you can save more time and where you should be using more of it as you manage your life. It’s always important to evaluate yourself and having a schedule to base your evaluations on will go a long way with building your time-management skills.

Finally, it’s important to bear in mind that not every method is going to work for everyone. Experiment, try different approaches and then you can figure out what works for you as an individual.

Time management skills are extremely important when considering your work/life balance. If you are thinking that yours needs to change and improve, consider each of these tips to achieve a better balance in your life and learn to manage your time.

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